Three Ways to Get ‘Unstuck’ in Your Career

Three Ways to Get ‘Unstuck’ in Your Career

By: Marilyn Fettner | July 9, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes

With the state of the world, everything can feel heavy right now — like a bad dream we can’t wake up from.

  • There’s no doubt that our lives and careers will look different from this point forward.
  • But this time is also the perfect opportunity to make life changes that you’ve been holding back on or were unsure about how/where to start.

If you’re unhappy in your career, now is the time to make a change.

Feeling ‘stuck’ in your career? Here are key indicators that it’s time for you to make a change:

  • You lack motivation even with the tasks you mastered a long time ago.
  • You believe a career should be more fulfilling.
  • You feel depressed toward the end of the weekend – and Sunday nights are the worst.
  • Your career frustrations bleed into your personal life, negatively affecting relationships and your quality of life, as a whole.

Here are 3 tips to get ‘unstuck’ and start on the path to a more fulfilling career and healthy personal life:

  1. There are GREAT jobs out there right now. Many companies are hiring. Here is a resource from LinkedIn that is updated daily. Be sure to check out their full list for all job levels including career paths – not only hourly or temp jobs.
  2. Positivity. Change won’t happen overnight – when you start taking steps in a forward direction, you can be confident you’re on the right track. In the meantime, you need to maintain your current career. To help you get through the transition period, make a list of items you like about your job (or don’t hate) and focus on those.
  3. Invest in YOU – work with Marilyn Fettner. Career and Life Coaching gives you support in uncertain times, helping you to recalibrate and providing practical strategies to stay focused on your priorities.
    • Marilyn is a Certified Career Counselor and also certified in many career tests, including the Highlands Ability Battery (HAB).
    • The HAB objectively measures your abilities, so you know what you’re naturally good at. You also get a list of careers that match your results. Report versions include: Student, Adult, Leadership, and Lawyer.
    • The HAB and career and life coaching tools, such as the Myers-Briggs and Strong Interest Inventory, give you clarity for career direction and grounding for your life, in these uncertain times. 

I look forward to working with you on a customized Life and/or Career Coaching plan to help you define your priorities and set clear goals with a plan to achieve them.