Resilience Training in Executive Coaching

Resilience Training in Executive Coaching

By: Marilyn Fettner

Key Takeaways:

  • Resilience is both a crucial attribute for executives to navigate adversity and a potential silent oppressor that can impact their well-being.
  • The collective resilience of teams and organizations is as important as individual resilience in achieving success.
  • Vulnerability is fundamental to building resilience as it promotes authenticity, a growth mindset, and open communication.
  • Resilience can fuel creativity and innovation, allowing leaders to transform challenges into opportunities for positive change.

Is resilience the ‘holy grail’ of executive success, or are we pressuring leaders to bear unending strain with a forced smile? In today’s volatile business landscape, resilience training is touted as the cornerstone of executive coaching. It’s seen as the magic elixir that allows leaders to bounce back from adversity and march toward success. However, I invite you to play devil’s advocate for a moment and question whether resilience is a panacea or, on the contrary, a quiet tormentor dressed as a savior.

This article seeks to challenge the conventional wisdom about resilience training, exploring its edges, shadows, and many facades. So, fasten your seatbelts as we journey down the rabbit hole of resilience. You might emerge on the other side with a wholly new perspective.

Resilience: The Unsung Hero or Unseen Villain?

As conceptualized by a myriad of studies and psychological literature, resilience has always been cast as the unsung hero of personal and professional triumph. One such study, published in the Harvard Business Review, advocates that resilient individuals rebound from setbacks and use adversity as a launching pad for new initiatives and ventures.

However, herein lies the crux of our exploration: what if resilience is not always the unsung hero, we’ve made it out to be? What if, at times, it dons the mask of an unseen villain?

Let’s consider the following points:

  • Burden of Constant Performance: The expectation of unwavering resilience can inadvertently fuel a relentless pressure to perform, pushing executives to their mental and physical limits.
  • Normalization of Stress: Continuous emphasis on resilience can normalize unhealthy stress levels, disguising it as the cost of success.
  • Risk of Ignoring Underlying Issues: By focusing on resilience, we might sidestep important organizational or personal issues that need attention. These issues, if not addressed, could exacerbate over time and erode the very fabric of resilience.

So, is resilience the unsung hero or the unseen villain? It’s a bit of both. It’s an undeniably crucial attribute that enables executives to navigate turbulence. Still, when misunderstood or misused, it can transform into a silent oppressor, slowly eating away at an executive’s well-being. Understanding this dichotomy is the first step in harnessing the true power of resilience.

The Myth of the Lone Wolf: Individual vs. Collective Resilience

The myth of the lone wolf, the solitary figure who overcomes adversity through sheer strength and resilience, is deeply ingrained in our collective consciousness. From the heroes of our childhood stories to the executives heralded in business magazines, the narrative of individual resilience is ever-present.

Yet, this mythology obscures a critical component of resilience: the collective. A closer examination of resilience within the organizational context reveals a different story. Let’s debunk this myth:

  • Interdependence over Independence: Most executives don’t operate in isolation. They rely on teams, departments, and entire organizations. Therefore, it’s not just about individual resilience but the collective resilience of the entire entity.
  • Shared Adversity, Shared Triumphs: When faced with adversity, the team’s collective effort and shared resilience often lead to success. This shared resilience allows an organization to weather challenges much more effectively than a single ‘resilient’ leader.
  • Resilience Cascade: An executive’s resilience can trigger a cascade effect, fostering resilience within their teams and across the organization. However, this shouldn’t eclipse the value of collective resilience but should serve as its catalyst.

Consider, for instance, the iconic TV show Friends, a cornerstone of American pop culture. Yes, each character had moments of resilience – Joey’s struggle in his acting career, Monica’s determination in her culinary journey, and Ross’s quest for love. But wasn’t their collective resilience and shared ability to bounce back from adversity what truly captured our hearts?

The lesson here is clear: In the realm of resilience, ‘We’ often trumps ‘I.’ Remember, even a lone wolf is stronger as part of a pack.

The Power of Vulnerability in Building Resilience

John Maxwell once said, “The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.” This quote is particularly relevant to our discussion about the power of vulnerability in building resilience. Often, in executive coaching, there’s a preconceived notion that vulnerability is a weakness, a flaw to be concealed. However, we are witnessing a paradigm shift in this perspective.

Here’s why vulnerability is not just important but a fundamental part of fostering resilience:

  • Vulnerability Breeds Authenticity: Acknowledging vulnerabilities encourages authenticity, a key trait of effective leaders. Authentic leaders inspire trust and loyalty, thereby fostering a resilient work environment.
  • Promotes a Growth Mindset: Accepting and expressing vulnerabilities can promote a growth mindset. It communicates that it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them, which is essential in building resilience.
  • Encourages Open Communication: A leader who demonstrates vulnerability paves the way for open communication within the team. This openness allows for swift identification and resolution of issues, bolstering collective resilience.

Innovation: The Unexpected Child of Resilience

There’s a well-known line in the American film ‘The Dark Knight’ where the character Harvey Dent says, “The night is darkest just before the dawn.” It’s a poetic reflection of how adversity often precedes transformation—in this case, innovation.

Within executive coaching, resilience doesn’t equate to surviving the storm; it also means building something remarkable out of the wreckage. This is where the unexpected child of resilience, and innovation, comes into play.

  • Resilience Fuels Creativity: Under pressure, resilient leaders and teams must think creatively, leading to innovative solutions and ideas.
  • Adversity Spurs Innovation: Challenges often act as catalysts for innovation. Resilient executives don’t just overcome obstacles; they leverage them to transform their organizations.
  • Resilience Breeds an Innovative Culture: Resilient leaders foster a culture where failure is not fatal but an opportunity to learn and innovate. This creates an environment where innovative ideas can flourish.

While resilience can undoubtedly spark innovation, avoiding romanticizing adversity is crucial. Not all stressful situations lead to positive outcomes.

It’s a careful balancing act – ensuring executives have enough challenges to stimulate innovation but not so much that they crumble under the weight. Ultimately, it’s about turning adversity into an ally without letting it become an antagonist.

Beyond the Buzzword: Unpacking the Resilience-DEI Intersection

Is resilience just another corporate buzzword that needs to gain its depth in the noise of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) dialogues? Or does it hold substantial meaning at the intersection of these three powerful elements?

Before we rush to conclusions, let’s unpack this complex dynamic:

  • Resilience Fuels Diversity: Resilient leaders are more likely to foster diverse teams. They understand the value of varied perspectives and can leverage these differences to strengthen their organization.
  • Inclusion Enhances Resilience: Each member feels valued and heard in an inclusive environment, which contributes to collective resilience. If everyone feels they belong and their contributions matter, they’re more likely to bounce back from challenges.
  • Equity Enables Resilience: Equitable treatment provides a sturdy foundation for individual and collective resilience. When everyone is treated fairly, it reinforces a sense of security, leading to higher resilience levels.

In response to our initial question – resilience isn’t just a buzzword bouncing around in DEI conversations. It’s an intricate part of the tapestry, as critical as the threads of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

As for whether it has lost its depth – it’s like asking if a dolphin has lost its ability to swim. Just because you don’t see it in action doesn’t mean it’s lost its touch. The dolphin needs the right environment to highlight its skills, much like resilience needs the right organizational context to shine.


Resilience, in its most profound sense, isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving amidst uncertainty and adversity. It’s the phoenix rising from the ashes, more vibrant and powerful than before. As unpacked in this discussion, resilience plays a pivotal role in executive coaching – from the surprising link with innovation to the deep-seated intersection with DEI. It’s the unsung hero and sometimes an unseen villain. It’s not a lone wolf but thrives in collectiveness, and its power magnifies vulnerability.

Yet, it’s not all sunshine and roses; resilience comes with complexities, and a careful balancing act is required. In a world of change and uncertainty, resilience may be our most potent weapon and our greatest ally. Embrace, harness, and watch as it propels you toward unimaginable heights.

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