This is Your Summer – Make it Count

This is Your Summer – Make it Count

By: Marilyn Fettner

Summer is short and goals are big! Maybe it’s the summer you commit to exploring a job change, improving a relationship, or getting in shape – like running that 5k you’ve always wanted to do – or reading those 5 books that have been sitting on the bed stand, or even learning a new language.

But in addition to your summer goals, there are also the demands of your regular life, including work, family and friends. It’s hard to balance everything and we get it!

You may feel stuck or overwhelmed with so many things to accomplish, but whatever your goals are for the summer, we want to see you succeed! Which is why Marilyn is offering Virtual Coaching – at your convenience and at your pace.

Virtual Coaching is a custom program to fit your needs on your timeframe. It allows you to meet with Marilyn virtually, from wherever you are – so you don’t have to spend time driving in traffic or changing the plans you already had.

It’s YOUR summer — make a positive change and do something great for your life with the help of Marilyn and the ease of Virtual Coaching.