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Stress Management Coaching

Stress Management Coaching

Having some stress is normal.  These 2 factors are most important for you to know:

1) Don’t ignore stress – instead, use effective strategies to manage it.

2) Identify positive lifestyle/environmental changes you can make to improve your life.


Even before the pandemic, life today has been considered one of the most stressful times in our history. And with the pandemic, stress has increased exponentially. Some reasons you may be feeling especially stressed:


  • Pre-pandemic, the pace of life for most of us was chronically rushed. We were almost always racing to be somewhere and trying (very hard) to be on time.
  • With the pandemic, we can feel trapped, bored, and antsy – stuck in our homes with little to no interpersonal contact.
  • Information comes at us non-stop – and with the pandemic and unrest in our country, the information can feel very scary.
  • The pandemic has created more things we can’t control…such as seeing friends and family ‘up close and personal’, going to parties and events, virtual school, virtual work, dating – basically being unable to do things the way we want…the way we used to.

What does stress feel like?

You can feel stress in your body, your mind, or both – and symptoms can vary for different people.  A few examples are:

  • Changes in sleeping, eating, motivation, energy, mood, concentration, focus, perspiration, breathing, and tight/painful muscles.
  • Non-stop worry that’s difficult to control.
  • Catastrophic thinking, i.e., thinking the worst will happen.

How you feel AND handle stress can partly depend upon your personality style. As an example, take a look:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Stress Management Sample Report


This list is not exhaustive and it’s important to check with a physician and/or a therapist about symptoms that could be signs of a condition needing treatment.

Can you feel better? How can a life coach help you?

Yes, you can feel better! And YOU hold the power to feel better.

A life coach will listen non-judgmentally and give you stress management strategies to improve your perspective and how you manage your life. These strategies are most effective when you use them daily…not just when you notice that you’re feeling stressed. 

  • Choose one strategy to start with. Remember that change takes time so be patient and compassionate with yourself.
  • Give yourself the gift of good self-care – get 7-8 hours quality sleep, eat healthy regular meals, exercise 3-5 times/week, and limit your news intake.
  • Visit with friends/family regularly – in-person (use your best judgment to maintain safety), or by videoconference or phone.
  • Find a hobby that’s interesting to you, read or listen to audiobooks and music; learn something new.
  • Get outside daily, (weather permitting).
  • Manage your negative thoughts – conserve your energy for positive, productive thinking.
  • Connect with others virtually – there are virtual book clubs, and yoga, art, dance, and exercise groups – whatever your interest.
  • Find (and use) a calming/grounding exercise you connect with – meditation, relaxation breathing, Qu Chong, Tai Chi, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Notice 5 Things.
  • Identify areas of your life where you can make positive change.
  • Create a vision board of things you want for your future.

Remember – check with your doctor and/or therapist about any concerns. Information presented here is not medical or mental health advise.

  • You CAN feel better. Whatever the situation, it’s important that you CHOOSE to focus on positive possibilities, as much as you can.
  • There’s no better time than now, to start to feel better.

There’s no better time than now, to start to feel better.