College Consulting

College Consulting for College, Post-Secondary Training Programs, and Post-Graduate Education

Especially For Students

Confused about which educational program and institution is really your Best-Fit?

  • How can you know where you’ll feel comfortable and also be successful?  Knowing more about yourself and what’s most important to you will help you make a clear decision.
  • Assessments, such as personality style and interest inventories, provide critical self-knowledge.

Assessments you have taken do not seem to fit you. What good are they anyway? 

  • Assessment results are influenced by the mood you are in and how much sleep you have had. Also, over-analyzing or rushing through questions can lead to inaccurate results.
  • To accurately understand and apply your results, they should be interpreted by a trained administrator.
  • TIP: If the results don’t fit, you might want to retake the test with a specially-trained professional who will show you how to use the results for educational and career decisions that truly fit you.

Whether you are deciding on an undergraduate, post-graduate, or training program, how do you decide which major or program to choose?  How can you predict what kind of job you will like, and decide upon one that will be in-demand by the time you graduate?

  • Step 1 If you know your ‘success factors’ (your interests, skills, personality style, values, and priorities), you can make a solid decision about your career interests and options.  If you are an undergraduate, remember that you are not deciding upon a lifetime career.  You are simply identifying your interests and potential options.
  • Step 2 – Explore what it is really like to work at particular jobs and identify those that best match your success factors and offer a promising career path.
  • Step 3 – Match your top jobs to majors or programs that will prepare you.
  • Step 4 – Research the job market, including projected hiring trends and earnings, to choose career options that will be in demand.
  • TIP: Many new grads report that although they liked their major, they did not always like the jobs associated with it.  Be sure to find out what a typical day / week is like in the jobs you consider.
  • TIP: Many grads with advanced degrees found that they could not get employed, because by the time they finished their program, the job market had changed.  Be sure to conduct thorough due diligence.

 Do you feel like you have hit a wall trying to prepare your resume?

  • We will coach you in the top factors schools want in a resume and how to concisely showcase your strengths and accomplishments.
  • TIP: Use action words, and write in a concise, bulleted format so that your best points stand out at-a-glance.

 You are nervous or tongue-tied preparing for school interviews.

  • Interview coaching can help you confidently talk about your talents, accomplishments and goals.  Mock interviews give you risk-free practice, with feedback, to improve your performance.
  • TIP: Practice out loud and be sure to include key points that schools want to know.

Especially For Parents

You want to reasonably and calmly resolve conflict between you and your child about an educational selection.

Try this Four-Step Decision Plan:

  • Step 1 – Schedule regular meetings in a quiet location.
  • Step 2 – Establish a mutual agreement to listen calmly without interrupting.  Look for points of common agreement.
  • Step 3 – Clearly understand the priorities, concerns, and goals of both you and your child.
  • Step 4 – Ensure you have complete information about each school’s benefits and limitations.
  • TIP: Many families find it helpful to meet with a coach or consultant who can clarify the process, provide personalized support, and guide students and parents in decision-making.

You do not want your child to end up transferring to three different schools (or more) and / or graduate with a major that is unemployable.  What can you do?

  • Incorporate your child’s success factors into the decision-making.
  • Follow the 4-Step Decision Plan above, and conduct due diligence on the job market.
  • TIP: It is worth investing the time now to avoid a financially and emotionally expensive mistake later.

Can kids really know what career they want when they are in high school or even in college? Are they not too young?

  • Adolescents, starting at approximately fourteen years of age, have been shown to indicate interests and personality style factors that remain stable through adulthood and correlate to career fields.
  • Without clear focus on key interests and future options, many kids fail to perform well in school. Studies indicate that approximately 1/3 of college students leave school after their first year and nearly 50% of students fail to graduate.  Surveys show a correlation between kids who drop out of post-secondary education and those with undeclared majors.
  • Education, job shadowing, part-time and volunteer work helps kids know their strengths and career interests.  Assessments and exercises (with accurate interpretations) can also help kids find their Best-Fit career options.

How educational consulting can help

Our logical Six-Step approach eases your stress, and clarifies your decision-making, by guiding you through this complex process in an organized way.

  • Effective tools and personalized coaching help you compare options for majors and careers.
  • You will gain a head-start on preparing for a career and life after school.