Career, Personality, and Ability Tests

Career, Personality, and Ability Tests

What Can They Do For You?

These assessments can open up previously closed windows giving you crucial information about your:

  • Authentic personality style and self-concept (the ‘real’ you).
  • Innate abilities – what you are naturally good at, and your prioritized interests.
  • Natural work style, best-fit work role, and optimal workplace environment.
  • Decision-making and communication styles.
  • Leadership and conflict management styles.
  • Best career options.

Given the power of this information you can:

  • Uncover new possibilities and see your dreams as potential realities.
  • Set realistic goals with an improved chance of achieving them.
  • CEOs of Fortune 500 companies; NASA engineers
  • Entrepreneurs; New Grads
  • High school and college students
  • New and experienced managers; Teams
  • Career changers and people re-entering the job market
  • Retired individuals looking for “what’s next”
  • People embarking on an ‘encore’ career
  • Couples seeking to improve their communication
  • And physicians, attorneys, teachers, accountants, nurses, actors, writers, designers, photographers, information technology specialists, artists, administrative assistants, electricians – you get the idea
Assessments are:
  • Not tests. There are no wrong or bad answers, or results.
  • Not for everyone – they are valuable to gain new insights while clarifying conflicts and priorities.
To get accurate results, a trained consultant should explain how to answer assessment questions and interpret the results.

That depends. What’s keeping you up at night? What’s pulling at you or keeping you stuck? In which area of your life do you most want change?

Career Assessments – Identify your Best-Fit Career
  • Examples: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Strong Interest Inventory, Strong Career Transition Report, Strong Career Enrichment Report, Strong and Myers-Briggs Career Report, Highlands Ability Battery, CPI 260
Student Assessments for Educational & Career Planning – Make the most of your financial and emotional investment.
  • Specialized for high-school and college-age students, focusing on personality style, abilities, interests, which are matched to majors and potential career fields.
  • Examples: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Strong Interest Inventory – High-School or College Report, Highlands Ability Battery Student Report
Management/Leadership Assessments–get the promotion and raise you deserve.
  • Identify your strengths and blind spots to advance in your career.
  • Examples: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, FIRO-B Leadership Report, CPI 260 Coaching Report for Leaders, Highlands Ability Battery Leadership Report
Lifestyle Assessments – Identify which lifestyle fits your authentic self
  • Examples: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator; CPI 260 and 434 Reports
Learning Style (LS) – Find out how your learning style influences your life
  • Your LS affects whether you thrive or struggle in specific types of work responsibilities, workplace environments, your role as independent contributor, team or project leader, team member, or wearing the multiple hats of an entrepreneur.
  • Students – Your LS can help you make better choices about your: school, major, study methods, internships, training programs, career alternatives, employers
  • Examples: Kolb Learning Style Inventory, Highlands Ability Battery for Students
Conflict-Management Style – Do you run from conflict or thrive on it?
  • Identify your style and learn to act assertively, instead of submissively or with hostility.
  • Examples: Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Entrepreneurial Style–Identify your strengths and blind spots to build success
  • Be efficient. Make balanced decisions. Work smart, not hard.
  • Example: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Highlands Ability Battery Leadership Report
Decision-making Style– Does your style work for you or against you?
  • Do you repeatedly make decisions that give you disappointing results?
  • Learn theFour-Quadrant Stylefor balanced decision-making.
  • Example: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for Decision-Making, Highlands Ability Battery
Communication Style – Do people listen to what you have to say?  Can you articulate your ideas in a group?  Do others seem alienated after you have spoken?
  • Find out your natural style – and what your body language is saying.
  • Example: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Myers-Briggs Communication Report, Highlands Ability Battery
Change Management Style–Is change painful or do you thrive on it?
  • Knowing your style will help you better manage the ups and downs of life.
  • Example: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

“Ask about a cost-effective assessment package for your needs.”

“Assessments can help empower you to live your life in the way you want.”