How Can You Look Ahead During Chaotic Times?

How Can You Look Ahead During Chaotic Times?

By: Marilyn Fettner

As we begin to wrap up 2020, we are left scratching our heads! We may be thinking, ‘what’s just happened’?

  • We may not be where we had imagined we’d be, when the year began. Whether it’s your location, career, or relationship, it’s safe to say this year has been unexpected for everyone.
  • BUT we are still standing…even if we’re a bit wobbly! And many of us have decided that it’s time to reassess our lives and take back control.
  • What will your ‘new normal’ be, and what will provide meaning and purpose in your life?

How do you achieve meaning and purpose in the New Year with so many unknowns?   

  • Rearview mirror. Acknowledge the changes in your life. Try not to dwell on them but, rather, take inventory of how your life has changed this year. What have lessons you learned? Now, apply the wisdom of those lessons moving forward.
  • Remain hopeful. One of my favorite quotes is ‘Once you choose hope, anything is possible.” – Christopher Reeve. It is still possible for you to create meaningful and purposeful goals in your life.

Here are 3 ways to keep plugging forward during chaotic times, despite how challenging it may feel to stay positive and motivated:

  1. Track the good. There is a lot of negativity out there BUT there is also a lot of good! If you feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of doom, write down 5 great things in your life every day and they are bound to add up!
  2. Make your circle positive. Misery loves company and this is so very true this year. Acknowledge your friends who bring negativity and try to encourage them to see the silver lining. If they are stuck to negatively, choose to build connections with supportive positive people.
  3. Do what you love! Well…maybe not international travel quite yet but you can still do the things that make you feel like ‘you.’ Get outside and explore new trails, exercise, read, meditate, draw, journal, learn something new, and enjoy the company of friends (socially distanced of course).

Put pen to paper and choose SMART goals going into 2021. Be on the lookout for next month’s article on goal setting.

I look forward to working with you on a customized Life and/or Career Coaching plan to help you define your priorities, set clear goals, and develop a plan to achieve them.