Collaborative Divorce – Yes, It Can Be Done!
We all know that a divorce is very emotional and can drag on for months if not years. It can be a traumatic process for everyone involved and most importantly, the children.
However – there is a way to streamline the process to ensure everyone’s needs are being met and emotions are manageable. A collaborative divorce is a process where a neutral team comes together with the couple and strives to achieve the best outcome for both parties, resulting in a win-win.
During a collaborative divorce there are several professionals involved including; a financial neutral expert, an attorney for each party, a child advocate and a divorce coach.
Marilyn Fettner approaches the collaborative divorce as the divorce coach. She helps keep people’s communication and emotions manageable so productive dialogue and problem solving can occur… without name-calling or digging up the past – but instead, looking forward.
If you’re interested in approaching a divorce with the following values, then a collaborative divorce may be a great option for you:
- I want us to communicate with a tone of respect.
- I want to prioritize the needs of our children.
- My needs and those of my spouse/partner require consideration, and I will listen objectively.
- It is important to reach beyond today’s frustration and pain to plan for the future.
- I choose to maintain control of the divorce/separation process with my spouse/partner, and not relegate it to the courts.
If this sounds like the process for you and your family, invite Marilyn to coach you through this difficult time.