Your Student Has Graduated, Now What?

Your Student Has Graduated, Now What?

By: Marilyn Fettner | April 30, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Graduation is an exciting time! The possibilities are endless!

  • Some graduates know exactly what kind of jobs they want to apply for, and where they want to work. But although they are sending out lots of resumes, they may be receiving few quality responses – if any at all.
  • For others, the possibilities after graduation can be daunting. They have no idea what kind of job they may excel at or enjoy. This can be especially challenging, if their degree lacks a specific job focus.

Both situations are common for new grads and it’s not unusual to struggle. Luckily, there are steps your graduate can take to help him/her/them identify jobs that are a good-fit and get quality responses.

5 Steps for New Grad Job Search

1. Identify good-fit jobs – searching jobs by ‘entry level’ can be a useful start. But it’s important to take time to explore jobs, and thoroughly read job descriptions. Look for areas that interest you and skills you have and/or think you can easily learn.
2. Create a focused job search plan – As you identify jobs in step 1, create a targeted job plan by listing the job titles and names of potential employers that have posted these jobs.
3. Revise your resume – Select two to three representative job postings from step 1, and identify responsibilities, skills, and qualifications you fit. Revise your resume to include these. Depending upon your job focus, it can also be helpful to include relevant coursework, projects, activities, volunteer work, internships, and part-time jobs.
4. Update your online profiles – Use relevant content from your resume to update your LinkedIn profile, because recruiters use LinkedIn to search for and check out candidates. Be sure your photo is current and conveys a professional image. Check that all your online images are appropriate.
5. Network with others in your field. Attend job fairs, networking events and meetups to meet others who may be able to connect you to hiring decision-makers.

Additional tips:

  • When searching for jobs, be aware of whether the job is posted by the employer or a staffing agency.
  • Try to identify if the pay is hourly, salaried, or commission.
  • Ensure your interview skills are competitive and you are prepared to confidently answer questions, as well as, ask relevant questions of the interviewer.
  • Job search can feel like a job in itself, and it’s important not to stress. Schedule time each week to search and stay organized to keep track of your applications and your progress.
  • If you still feel lost and/or un-directed, it could be helpful to take career assessments with a qualified career coach, who can interpret the results to identify jobs/career paths that fit your natural abilities, personality style, interests, values, and other relevant career factors.

Start your grad off on the right track by working with Marilyn. As a Certified Career Counselor and Personal Vision Coach, Marilyn has the experience and knowledge to guide your grad to create a clear plan for success.

To schedule a complimentary 10-minute introductory meeting or your full 45-minute consultation, email Marilyn at:, or call (847) 322-8292.